As I do like to share Amy and Skyler stories this one goes down in the book as one of the best... So one day Skyler planned this beautiful honeymoon for him and his honey in Hawaii, SUCH a treat for them both! So They had rented a dodge charger to cruise around Hawaii, quickly realizing that they had maybe over-extended themselves a bit, they returned that cherry red speedster for something a little more econimical... Two bum-comforting scooters! They toured all around the coutryside, in awe of lighthouses, beaches and lush Hawaii greenery... Now as we all know Amy is a talker... And she was chattering away as Skyler was in front of her and flipped on his turning signal, clearly telling Amy, without words, that he was indeed turning left... She, unknowingly continued on straight... Unfortunately she was on a one way road and could not turn around and he continued left.. With a HUGE field in the space between them they both stared longingly at eachother hoping that this was not some fateful abandonement... They continued watching eachother till each was out of sight... Amy continued on the road and stopped, thinking he must come back for her, he was her knight on a shining (slightly ghetto!) scooter of course! So she stayed put... Skyler slowly pulled up to a stoplight shaking his head at his silly new bride but lovingly was going to find her... When a man in a sportscar pulled up next to him and said, "DUDE!! That girl!! She was lookin at you and YOU were looking at her! Dude! You gotta go GET THAT!" Skyler laughs a little and says, "Uh... Dude... That's my wife!!" And the man replied, "DUDE!! THEN YOU GOTTA GO GET THAT!!!" Haha Skyler laugh and shortly thereafter found Amy pondering the beautiful scenery on the side of the road... What an interesting life we have together, and it just gets better:)
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