..................................This is a story about a Man and his wife. And everything in between................................
Sunday, September 9, 2012
Well life has taken the plunge. Sky and I spent the first year and half of marriage working hard on us. We spent time together learning and understanding what love and marriage really should be. (From our perspective...) And believe me, we don't exactly know what we want. That will take a lifetime! But getting to know each other and building a solid foundation below ourselves has been an adventure! After all that self discovery we decided to knuckle down and make some money! We both started new jobs with companies in the same building! I work for Guardian Law and Skyer works for SKW Central. Both companies deal with tax liens and investing in real estate. It is a fascinating investment endeavor, And we don't say that simply because we work there, we say it because we watch firsthand how money is made and how people are really making a new go in the real estate world! If you are interested, just ask Sky! Now this is not my plan... To get you to invest in real estate. Why you ask? Because. Our life is clearly more interesting.
Sky works long days and so do I! I go to work at 6:30AM leave at 4:00PM drive to school attempting to make it in 30 minutes! And leave by about 9:30 every night. It gives me just enough time to kiss my handsome husband and snuggle into bed. I have been praying for strength and the power to endure. I know that the only way I am able to do this is with my Father in Heaven's hand in the very framework of my life. It is giving me a greater respect for mothers, especially my own! They deal with craziness 24/7, I really have no room to complain, but to simply express my gratitude for the strength and energy I am given, for a loving husband (who never sees his wife!) and a family who lets me practice serious haircuts... Whenever I ask! Yipee!
This was my first haircut, how could I not document it? It will be the first of many... many many many haircuts from my 2,000 hour required hours, crazy Utahns!
I have school with three lovely ladies, they have made it a blast and worth enduring through every night. So grateful we are all in this together!
They are three beautiful ladies who are teaching me to have more passion in this field I have chosen.. Bring on the next two years! Aight?
Sky and I made a trade. He gets a gun and I get long hair! This was such a great idea, I think! We both benefit from both! He gets to look at a wife with beautiful locks, and I get to go shooting! I am not as girly as I seem, that would simply get too boring. Can't wait to add the Henry Golden Boy to our collection... What can I say? I am a thorough bred Republican, I believe in gun handling!
So while working hard we are doing our best to play hard! My bestie came to town recently! I love it when Kay comes to town because it's like she never left! We will always be the best of friends, and I thank the Lord for her and her strength often. She is a blessing and inspires me to stay strong and relax. (When I have time?) Maybe it's because she lives her lives 100mph too. I can't figure out how women do what they do! We work so hard and try to trump life, maybe she and I will learn to breathe and enjoy the roses. But I have a feeling that isn't in our blood. That's how it's been since she and I decided to be friends one fall day at the movie theaters.. What a gem she is.
And one final note- I met a guy.
This is the boy that may convince me to take the plunge for babies! I sure love him! He is cuter than any kid I've ever met! Thanks Matt and Jess for leaving him at moms! We loved taking him to dinner! Too fun!
And we loved being bad examples... I am not sure its kosher to feed babies ribs?? But that's why we're the super cool aunt and uncle!
My Mom and Daddykins came to dinner too:) We sure love them!
So here's to September! Big Matt's birthday, my sister Mandie and me! Yay for birthdays! Any my Dad is coming to town with Elin, Sky leaves for Vegas, work will continue to be a whirlwind and we start haircuts on people tomorrow! Wish Sky and I luck! Happy September all!
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
New Adventures...
Skyler and I are living the dream... Or are we??
That is the real question here. What we have decided is that we are living OUR dream because it is what we make of it. And we, my friends are going to make the best of it.
We are getting close to the two year mark of our legendary meeting, what a crazy thought! A few weeks ago I woke up and thought it important to tell him that I felt like I had been married to him forever. And I really do. It is amazing how you can find yourself with someone (for eternity!) and not realize that you had never known the existed just a short time ago. We are in this journey together! His hand is the only one I want to hold anyway...
So let's talk about the crazy adventures we have been going on/surviving through! (OH wait, did I say survive? I meant thrive! Thank you for that reminder President Utchdorf!) May I add, the church is what allows us to thrive and not merely survive. That would make life so much more.... Daunting.
Skyler and I are embarking on a new chapter. Filled with school, hairspray, thoughts about flying planes and new places to live. We have decided that this is an interesting part of life. It is one where we feel like we are jumping into a huuuuuuge deep pit, one in one of those crazy dreams where you are falling and falling and you don't know when you will hit the pillow and realize that it was only a dream! But, we being realists understand that this is not a dream but a "crazy, tragic almost magic beautiful life." (Leave it to me to add a little twang and steel guitar to my blog posts)
Sky- on the hunt for his dreams!
Sherlock style.
Enough of my rambling. Sky is such a good man, and the perfect one for me! I love his smile, his dark eyes and his dedication to me, our marriage and the Lord. He is working hard trying to pin down exactly the path he wants his life to take. It is split between creating his own product/business, flying planes, working in a marketing firm and exploring the world. If anyone can come up with a career that meets all of these requirements, please, call my digits. (Or Sky's, I forget everything.)
I am embarking on something... Not new, but I suppose refining my talents I was given as a baby. Those are the simple traits of being a girl. Yes folks, my associates degree is seeing it's final days (I NEVER thought I would be saying I graduated with any kind of degree!! Hope my parents are proud!! And never. Ever. EVER. ask me to take anything online again. My brain may explode. Implode? Whatever, either way, messy is the key word here! Raised my grades- not that I am really proud of these.. I swear I'm a good student, but I really almost failed my last class. So this... Is an accomplishment!
So off to hair school I go! Skyler and I stayed out all night to get a spot! And we got it! August 21st late in the evening I will be ready and raring to go! (GET my hair on! I bet you a dollar my dad has never said that phrase! :) forgive me sir:::) should be interesting! And I will eventually go on to get a masters in esthetics, that's what I'm really excited for! BRING on the BOTOX! (well.... maybe)
And I need to give a shout out to my mother in law! Christie started school this week and the skin institute! Jealous! She is going to tackle this world, one step at a time!
So life is a little hectic, I'm working two jobs (literally day in and day out!) Skyler is working his tail off!!! Giving everything he has to his family, through career exploration. Say a prayer for him! He is too wonderful, don't you think?
Ah life. As sky says, bring it!
This is what's been going... Photo form...
My mother- gets better looking every day. Yes, yes she does. :)
Buttercup- friend or foe?
family comes to town!
and family 4th of July! pretty ladies:)
I still get frustrated behind slow cars. Ironic, don't you think?
We work hard and spend hours tirelessly folding envelopes..
And that's that.
(Mainly my shift is over- and it's time to snuggle with my hunny! see ya cyber world!)
Saturday, May 5, 2012
You know? We sure do have fun!
So life for the Blood's always seems to be this ever changing combination of chaos, love, learning to understand each other and serious adventures. We have been busy, you better believe it! The biggest news is... SKYLER GRADUATED FROM BYU! WAHOO!!!
We loved getting to spend two afternoons with Christie and one with Mike. It was a ton of fun sitting with them at Grad and knowing how proud they were of their son! It is amazing to see the love that parents have for their children, someday I'll understand!
I sure do know how proud a wife can be! And that smile doesn't even come close to how thrilled I was for him! He worked so hard at something that he didn't really love. (and who can blame him, hello, reading books all night long? Yea, I'll pass thanks!) He worked hard, made it through alive and I am proud to call him my husband.
We went on a road trip to St. George for a much needed vacation, although I felt pretty down with a yucky stomach ache it was still a wonderful time! We were able to be in the sun and get to know Sky's side of the family a little better. We took some family pictures and got smoked my Garrett and Jackie at Hearts. Let's just say that this is not my cup of tea, but playings games with them is always a ton of fun! (NO YouTube videos please!!)
She and I became very good friends, this lame queen and I.
Brittany reminded me how much I loved hiking! We followed them up to the top of Zions and had ice cream on our hiking day. (twice, it's not a sin, I swear!)
We always love the glam.... (bring on the beauty school!)
On another day Sky and I went to the zoo. We all know that Amy loves zoos. It is something that no one can explain but she reverts back to little kid like ways when in a zoo. Romping around trying to antagonize the animals and always looking to pet a giraffe. (These types of long term goals are real, and they will happen.)
Well I will make an announcement.. Beauty School starts soon for me! As soon as my Associates Degree is out of the way. It is something I have been wanting to do forever, and I am finally getting into something I will love. YAY! I am stoked about the school, and the tuition price is much more appetizing than the other schools I was looking into! Be prepared beauty world, Amy's coming to town! I am thrilled for this opportunity, and the Bloods have many more surprises in store! (Forget the term baby for a while, that is not on the agenda, we mean other kinds of business!) So, I should say, be prepared world... We are ready to take you on! Stay tuned for new posts!
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Does it ever slow down???
Not that Skyler and I ever take moments to breathe and be normal, because we aren't remember??? I will take a moment and reflect on this past crazy semester... We have had some serious ups and downs, new accomplishments and crazy moments we thought we may explode!! but we didn't, we are still here and kicking' it in Utah. So right now Amy is really sick with what looks like a mono relapse, achy, super tired, and that manly voice no one ever thought was sexy. She has been trying to take it easy for a minute and has had to call into work several times, and although the didn't recognize who she was at all... They figured it was best she shouldn't come in. The two Bloodlettes have been working hard. Skyer is working for Amy's brother Matt as a loan processor and is getting all qualified to be a Loan Officer! So proud of him and his hard work! It is taking all his time studying but we know it will all work out! Amy is constantly looking for houses online and realizes every day that maybe they can't afford a million dollar house with a masarrati! But hey, she can dream right?
Skyler did lose his Grandfather recently, and his Uncle Trent. It has been a sad time, but we know that they are in a much better place than we are right now. We send our love and wishes to everyone we left behind in California.
Skyler did lose his Grandfather recently, and his Uncle Trent. It has been a sad time, but we know that they are in a much better place than we are right now. We send our love and wishes to everyone we left behind in California.
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Just in case:)

(Most recent family vacation to CA to see our Ethan man be baptized!)
We are having a blast- in case anyone was curious! We have been enjoying married life, and taking it one step at a time. We have learned so much this first year, but most importantly, I think we have learned that we can face anything together!
We had a wonderful Christmas! Skyler got Nutella and I got my new Iphone! Talk about a deal! (Okay he got a super sweet soundsystem, no complaints here!)

We even "get giggy?" How did he get so cute? I ask myself that every day...

Toes with mom! Guys were on a man-date we thought it was fair! And yes we walked all over walmart in those lame shoes.. Surprised we didn't show up on peopleofwalmart.com
Best/most expensive dinner we've ever eaten together- Anniversary #1 done and done. And it's getting better each and every day!

On our anniversary celebratory day we went and toured Temecula! Skylers home, which will probably end up being our home some day. You will never get the California out of my man, that's for sure! This flag pole was for his Eagle project! One more reason to be a proud wifey:)

Anyone who knows me knows I am not one for going green. Trees- eh whatever. But when it comes to keeping churches clean, where we worship and come together to be together in faith- I stand firm. That's why when I found someone's sock on the grounds... IT had to be cleaned up, Sky thought my face was priceless- hence this photo...
All in all- we're still in love. So- Merry, Happy- Late and wonderful 2011. It's over and 2012- bring it ON! Sky and Aim could take you any day... :)
Skyler and I together...
We will change the world. Don't wait up, you'll get lost. But if you want, watch us, we've got what it takes, and we will make a difference. We will bring some goodness back into this world, you wait- it'll happen.
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