..................................This is a story about a Man and his wife. And everything in between................................

Friday, June 10, 2011

“grace and grit all way way, baby!”

I have been reading another blog this morning after finding it on KSL. It is a blog written by a woman who has been forced to begin a new life after what could be classified as a terrible ordeal. Although I daresay that it was much worse then that. When reading about her, I found her inspiring, she talked about how her husband had been running a scam with his business and had cheated so many out of their money and everything that they owned, they called it a Ponzi scheme. He had a huge investment firm, and he had been living a lie. She had this life that most would consider more then desireable. It was a posh Denver life as they called it, living in a beautiful home with all the fixings. He was a bishop of their LDS ward, living, what I would see as the "ideal" life. But all this fell through... Here is her story... (AS told by KSL of course...)


When I read about her story it really got me thinking. What is the "ideal" life. Is it something that you hunt for all your life? Or, like she says, is it something like joy.. Is it something you LET yourself feel along the way? I think so. It is something we must allow ourselves to think, when so often, I think we do not. We punish ourselves. Maybe it's human to think that the glass is half empty? Some inherit trait we really don't think about?

But that's where I think I am wrong. I won't admit that often either, so take a picture... :P My thought here is that we have DECIDED that this is the way we are. We, collectively, have decided that the glass is half empty instead of half full. When I look at people that I aspire to be, they aren't the complainers, the energy suckers, the "debbie downers" (everyone knows I love that phrase so well..." They are people who stand for something. That live for tomorrow, not for the mistakes they made yesterday. Now I am not saying that we should live lives with blinders, thinking all is hunky dory.. Because that would lead us down a SWIFT path to... Destruction, let's say.. I do think that we should face reality, but we also need to just let things go sometimes... Smile, and learn to be people of integrity and full of joy. Don't deny yourselves the beautiful things of this earth, be real, and learn to be happy. It isn't something that comes easy, like drive-thrus... But it tastes a lot sweeter then a chocolate twist cone, and hey, it'll never melt. Unless you let it, I suppose.