Skyler and I do silly things together. I suppose that's what makes us fall more and more in love each and every day! So I am not saying that this picture is a perfect representation of this Perfect Sunday moment, but it is pretty close... (And obviously I married the sexiest man alive, and this is not him...) So this story occured as we were dutifly making our way in Skyler's truck to a Sunday Sacrament meeting... I have my own opinion about facial hair, and I think it looks DANG good on Skyler. However, we are instructed by church leaders to be clean shaven, (GIRLS- yes you should shave your legs, EVEN in the winter...) So Skyler tends to let his beard grow out during the week, (With me in mind, because I love it so!) and then shaves it off with his electric shaver on the way to church... So this Sunday was like any other... His shaver working along the planes of his face... till WAHBAM! it gets caught on a stubborn hair and stops MID shave... Half of his face, handsome and hairfull, while the other side still handsome but way- hairless.. I came up with a cute nickname, two-face! (However quickly discarded as we realized that this was a representation of an evil blonde man who is chased by some sick clown... sort of nightmare-ish) Luckily he was able to get JUST enough life out of it to get little bits, eventually it stopped with a goatee- I held his hand... And skipped happily into church, knowing my man had a wee bit of facial hair. He even had to give the prayer that Sunday, and he looked MIGHTY fine with that goatee:) Oh the silly antics of two people, hopelessly in love!